Wednesday, August 25, 2010

4 Simple Goals

I love reading other blogs - there are so many amazing ones out there - if only I could dedicate a couple of hours a day to reading them!  Ah well, even though I don't have hours to spare, a couple of minutes here and there still gives me lots of inspiration and ample ideas!
Elsie from A Beautiful Mess suggested to her followers that we start a 4 Simple Goals project with the following guidelines:
1. choose simple goals that will make your life richer and happier on a daily basis. choose things you may not otherwise get done, but that are not difficult to accomplish. 
2. do not choose result oriented goals, choose activity oriented goals. for example.... instead of "lose 10 pounds", choose something like "eat fresh fruits and vegetables every day". get what i'm saying? positive actions instead of just the end result! 
3. choose goals that are personal that you believe will truly make your life richer just by doing them! they can be daily, weekly or one time experiences. 
4. choose a reward for each goal as it is accomplished! it can be a small or large reward. 
5. blog your goals, each one as you achieve it and a big post when they are all finished before the new year!
Such a wonderful idea and a challenge I am without a doubt going to take up.  


  1. absolutely love the pics of the room inspiration! and the simlicity of your ribbon on the branch makes us think of natures gift!
